We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper, poster or demo to the Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (SOFIEE). This Symposium focuses on creating educational environments that are friendly, smart or intelligent, open, personalized, and can seamlessly support anytime anywhere learning or training. Intelligent not only refers to technology, but also to human processes and behaviours.
The core differentiating feature of this symposium is that the teaching environments are in some way smart or intelligent. Thus, there are a multiplicity of types of learning environments that are addressed by this such as smart buildings or classrooms, virtual & mixed reality environments, clouds and mobile learning systems that can interact with students and teachers at a pedagogical level, so as to bring true innovations to education. We will also include environments that support the learning of practical skills, such as science and engineering laboratories that are critical to students following STEM courses. In addition, the symposium also includes building a wider smart or intelligent campus infrastructure which can also impact the cost and effectiveness of education.
This Symposium will feature an inspiring keynote presentation and, in addition to the papers and demonstrations, will include an open panel discussion about the future of education. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review elsewhere. We welcome all papers that relate to the application of new smart and intelligent approaches to teaching, learning, or training.
This event thus offers researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders a forum to share ideas, insights and experiences, as well as to explore multidisciplinary research advances within the context of an intelligent learning environment.
Workshop Topics: Some of the topics of interest include (but is not limited to):
Smart or Intelligent Learning and Teaching
Smart or Intelligent buildings or classrooms
Smart Labs
Virtual or Mixed-Reality in Education
Innovative Models of Learning Design, Delivery and Assessment
Innovative course delivery such as open courses and open learning
Innovative Research and Practice in Mobile, Blended or Hybrid Learning
New Trends of Learning or Training: seamless, affective, social, and collaborative
Design, Development, and Implementation of Edutainment
Learning Analytics and Learning Clouds
Use of Social Media in Teaching, Training, and Learning
Big Data in Education, Training, and Journalism
Personalized intelligent tutors
Affordable Learning Solutions such as Digital Library, E-publishing, and E-readers
Development of Open Educational Resources
Global learning partnerships and innovations related to the theme of this symposium.
Details of the event: The Symposium will feature (1) invited speakers session, (2) research paper session, and (3) interactive presentations such as SOFIEE-X.
Don't want to write a paper but would like to present? Check out SOFIEE-X. This forum is designed for speakers from industries, government, and other non-academic settings, who would like to share their innovative ideas and interact with the audience in 20-minute presentations.
Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
General chairs
Minjuan Wang (SDSU, USA www.sdsu.edu and Shanghai ISU en.shisu.edu.cn)
Vic Callaghan (University of Essex, U.K. – www.essex.ac.uk)
Contact: for more information email: mwang@mail.sdsu.edu; vic@essex.ac.uk
Programme Committee
Juan Augusto (Middlesex University, U.K.)
Jia Chen (Shanghai International Studies Univ.)
George Dafoulas (Middlesex University, U.K.)
Michael Gardener (University of Essex)
Wenge Guo (Beijing University)
Gordon Hunter (Kingston University, U.K.)
Sabine Lawless-Reljic (Ashford University, USA)
Julia Leeson (San Diego State University)
John Liao (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
Huani Liu (Shanghai International Studies Univ.)
Daniel Novak (University of Southern California)
William Olmstead (SDSU and San Diego Community Colleges)
Anasol Pena (University of Essex, U.K.)
Thomas Reeves (University of Georgia, USA)
Jonathan Richter (iLRN and The University of Montana)
Demetrios Sampson (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Liping Shen (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Victor Zamudio (Instituto Tecnológico De León, Mexico)
Paper submission deadline: 10th March 2018
Notification of acceptance: 10th April 2018
Final version submission: 15th of April 2018
Workshop date: 25 or 26 June 2018
PUBLICATION: All accepted papers will be published in an Open Access volume in the Book Series on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (IOS Press). As of 2015, the Workshops Proceedings published by this Book Series are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) by Thomson Reuters. Previous editions were indexed by Scopus. The subject and topics of a special issue in an indexed journal are being considered.
SUBMISSIONS: Papers should be submitted according to the IOS Press style, with a length of at least 6 but no more than 10 pages. Latex and Word templates can be found in http://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-tools-for-book-authors/. Submission webpage will be provided in the webpage of the workshop at a later date.
Submit your papers here.
Contact: for more information, email: j.augusto@mdx.ac.uk