Next Event:
2023 Edition
International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell)
(27th or 28th of) June 2023
co-located with the
International Conference on Intelligent Environments
Background and Goals: The workshop will bring together researchers from both industry and academia from the various disciplines to contribute to this new edition of the International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-Being. This event previously joined forces with the International Workshop “PervaSense – Situation recognition and medical data analysis in Pervasive Health environments” and the workshop on “Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments”. Healthcare environments (within the hospital and the home) are extremely complex and challenging to manage from an IT and IS perspective, as they are required to cope with an assortment of patient conditions under various circumstances with a number of resource constraints. Pervasive healthcare technologies seek to respond to a variety of these pressures by integrating them within existing healthcare services. It is essential that intelligent pervasive healthcare solutions are developed and correctly integrated to assist health care professionals in delivering high levels of patient care. It is equally important that these pervasive solutions are used to empower patients and relatives for self-care and management of their health to provide seamless access for health care services.
Areas of interest: include, but are not limited to, the following:
Ambient assisted living
Mobile health monitoring
Health enabling technologies
Next generation telehealth/telecare
Systems to encourage healthy lifestyles
Case Studies
Wearable sensor systems
Health monitoring from the home and work (including Telepresence)
Support for independent living
Support for rehabilitation
Environments supporting carers
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Data management architectures
Body area networks
Ambient Intelligence applied to health and social care
Title: Intelligent Environments for Longevity and Active Aging: The Role of Technology Solutions in Revolutionizing Healthcare
Abstract: Intelligent environments have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and contribute to the well-being of individuals, especially as they age. Equipped with advanced technology, they can increase longevity and support active and healthy ageing. Technology solutions can play a critical role in creating personalized and adaptive experiences, monitoring health status, and detecting changes that could indicate the onset of health issues. The use of sensors and wearables can provide real-time feedback on physical activity, nutrition, and sleep patterns, enabling individuals to take a proactive approach to their health. Longevity, the extension of a healthy and productive life, is a critical goal for individuals and society alike. Intelligent environments can support longevity by providing personalized care, monitoring health status, and detecting changes that could indicate the onset of health issues. Furthermore, intelligent environments can offer social connections and support, as well as cognitive stimulation, helping to maintain mental and emotional well-being. The integration of intelligent environments with healthcare systems and assistive technologies could enable older adults to age in place and maintain independence, while still receiving necessary care and support. As the population continues to age, the adoption of intelligent environments has the potential to transform the way we approach ageing, improve our quality of life, and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.
Short Bio: Filippo Palumbo is a senior researcher at the Information Science and Technologies Institute (CNR-ISTI) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). His research interests include the application of AI to intelligent system design and software development in distributed systems, with a particular focus on wireless sensor networks. Filippo has participated in numerous research actions funded by the EU and national institutions in the field of Ambient Intelligence.
Program Committee
Arlene Astell (University of Toronto, Canada)
Shabbir Syed Abdul (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
Maurizio Caon (U. of Applied Sciences of W. Switzerland)
Javier Gomez Escribano (UAM, Spain)
Vida Groznik (U. of Primorska and U. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Jean Hallewell (University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Kavi Khedo (University of Mauritius)
Samir Kishore (Middlesex University, Dubai)
Germán Montoro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Sofia Ouhbi (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Mario Quinde (Universidad de Piura, Peru)
Paul Panek (TU Wien, Austria)
Mark Springett (Middlesex University, UK)
(provisional, in process of expansion)
Workshop Chairs
Prof. Juan Carlos Augusto
Head of Research Group on the Development of Intelligent Environments,
Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London.
Dr Anton Gradišek
Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
Call For Papers
Publications: All papers accepted will be published in the proceedings of the event which will be an Open Access volume in the Book Series on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. As of 2013 the Workshops Proceedings published by this Book Series are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index by Thomson Reuters (CPSI-S). Previous editions were indexed by Scopus.
The maximum length for papers submitted to this workshop is 10 pages.
Formatting files to be used for papers submitted to our workshop:
Deadline for submission:
Paper submission Deadline: 1st of March, 2023 (a short extension may be feasible)
Notification of acceptance Deadline: 5th of April, 2023
Camera-ready version Deadline: 15th of April, 2023
Workshop Date: either 27 of June or 28th of June, 2023
Submit your proposed papers through:
Schedule of Activities: (will be published in early June)
Attendance: This edition of the workshop will be in a HYBRID modality.
Invited Speakers: as in previous editions a distinguished keynote speaker will be invited to the event, more details to be published soon.

Past Events
This event will build up on the topics discussed during the previous successful editions: in Barcelona during IE’09, in Kuala Lumpur during IE’10, in Nottingham during IE’11, in Guanajuato during IE’12, in Dublin during AmI’13, in Eindhoven during AmI’14, in London during IE'16, in Rome during IE'18, in Rabat during IE'19, in Madrid during IE'20, and in Biarritz during IE'22.